You want to write picture books and middle grade novels for children.
You want to publish them yourself as well as having a traditional publishing house publish them for you.
You want to go into schools and libraries and share your stories with youngsters.
In this ninth episode of the HYBRID Author podcast, host Joanne Morrell, children’s and young adult fiction writer and author of short nonfiction for authors, interviews Steve Heron.
Steve is a HYBRID children's author of 10+ titles. He utilises 40 years working with children in a social and emotional wellbeing environment to create kids books that touch and tickle hearts. In this installment, Steve shares his tips on how to write and perform for children as well as how he has used the HYBRID model to publish his books in the past.
With over twenty years' experience within the publishing industry, Malka Margolies is a Book Consultant, Senior Public Relations and Communications Executive and Nonfiction Judaica...
Andrea Barton is the author of 'The Godfather of Dance, A Jade Riley Mystery'. She also runs Brightside Story Studio, a book editing business...
Chasing the publishing dream, being rejected, putting yourself out there, striving to earn money from your author career can on occasion leave you feeling...