Women’s fiction and rural romance writer Rachael Johns is the Vice President of the Romance Writers of Australia (RWA) and attributes the organisation and members to much of her success to date. An enthusiastic advocate for the romance genre, Rachael shares RWA’s passion to help encourage aspiring, emerging and established authors in their careers, while also champing on the genre and the rest of the book industry!
In the 62nd episode of The HYBRID Author podcast host Joanne Morrell, author of children’s and young adult fiction and short non fiction for authors, chats to Rachael about:
Kylie Howarth is an award-winning, internationally published children’s book author-illustrator from Western Australia. She recently won the Western Australian Premier’s Book Award - Writer’s...
Jessica Muddit is the founder of Hembury Books. Her second book Once Around the Sun has just released which is all about her adventures...
Snippets from 2022 past guests who have appeared on the podcast since July: Episode 31 Children's Author Sian Turner on Juggling Writing and Kids ...