How do you independently publish a picture book or non fiction middle grade series for children?
Where do you start and how do you get noticed?
In the eighth episode of The HYBRID Author podcast, host Joanne Morrell, children’s and young adult fiction writer and author of short nonfiction for authors, interviews Stacy C Bauer.
Stacy is a teacher, wife, mother and musician as well as being an absolute power house in the self publishing sphere; author of 6 picture books, 3 non fiction middle grades, activity books, courses and coaching services, in this episode, Stacy shares her success secrets on creating, marketing, and kickstarting self published stories for children.
Chasing the publishing dream, being rejected, putting yourself out there, striving to earn money from your author career can on occasion leave you feeling...
We've hit 132 episodes of The HYBRID Author Podcast! And to celebrate, here's a mashup of the rest of the guests who have appeared...
Chelsea Luker is an Autistic/ADHDer psychologist, and is the proud owner of Connect Us Psychology. With a deep-rooted commitment to the Autistic/ADHD community, Chelsea ...