Katie Montinaro is a Melbourne-based writer, teacher and author of Christmas-themed rom com a 'Holly Jolly Christmas and YA fiction 'The Girl in The Sunflower Dress'.
In the 51st episode of The HYBRID Author Podcast host Joanne Morrell, author of children's and YA fiction and short non fiction for authors chats to Katie on:
Merry Christmas! And to celebrate episode 148, here's a mashup of 2024 guests of The HYBRID Author Podcast since July, including: EPISODE 133 -...
Tammy Gross is an optioned, award-winning, indie-produced screenwriter, as well as the author of The Treasure Galleons, which she converted from an award-winning screenplay...
How many times have you said 'your writing's crap' or shied away from calling yourself an author? How do authors cope with unsupportive people, ...