S. J. Butler was born in London, England, and grew up writing poetry in the Essex countryside. After graduating from university in her fifties, her dream was always to become a published author. A Very British Disaster which is historical fiction based on a true story during the very first Anglo-Afghan war in 1838 is the realisation of that dream.
In the 94th episode of The HYBRID Author Podcast host Joanne Morrell, author of children's and young adult fiction, women's fiction and short non fiction for authors, chats to S. J. about:
Dana Da Silva is a single mum of two based in Sydney, Australia. Having completed her journalism degree in 2011, she’s spent the past...
Kickstarter is a platform helping bring creative projects to life. In the 134th episode of The HYBRID Author Podcast host Joanne Morrell, author of...
With a bachelor of literature and composition from Griffith University, Mariam wrote her breakout novel, The Olive Tree, many years before publishing it due...