Phillip Strang has spent many intervening years in a myriad of countries, some calm and safe - others, no more than war zones. He now resides in Sydney and is the author of thirty-four books, and counting; the majority of them are crime thrillers based in the United Kingdom; he has also written several books on terrorism and one on a pandemic.
In the 79th episode of The HYBRID Author Podcast host Joanne Morrell, author of children's and young adult fiction and short non fiction for authors, chats to Phillip about:
Andrea Barton is the author of 'The Godfather of Dance, A Jade Riley Mystery'. She also runs Brightside Story Studio, a book editing business...
Mel Torrefranca is a novelist from the San Francisco Bay Area, now residing in the jungly mountains of Northern Thailand. Her books feature morally...
60 episodes celebrates all things print publishing! Listen in as host Joanne Morrell, author of children's and young adult fiction and short non fiction...